Sunday, December 15, 2013

Set an Example for Your Kids

An appointment with your Corona Kids Dentist is one of the best gifts you can give your children, and if you have been neglecting your kid’s teeth and gums, it is time to set up an appointment with All Smiles Dental in Corona.

Regardless of how you feel about the Dentist, it is imperative that you set a good example for your children. Put your fears aside and schedule regular appointments with the best Kids Dentist in Corona.

The sooner you begin scheduling dental check-ups for your children with the caring Corona Kids Dentist, the better, as their mouths will be healthy throughout their entire lives. Early dental checkups in Corona will help prevent tooth decay and cavities. Children with healthy teeth will grow up with confidence, learn to chew their food with ease, and smile without fear.

Tooth decay is a chronic disease that affects more children than any other chronic disease in the United States. According to the CDC, or Disease Control and Prevention, more than 45% of kids have tooth decay before the age of five.

Your children should see a dentist every six months with the first visit to your Kids Dentist in Corona around the time that the first tooth erupts. Before the first visit, take some time and, “Play Dentist,” with your children before the actual appointment. Make it a fun game and never use negative words. Hurt, needle, pain and ouch are just a few of the negative words that should be avoided when playing, “Dentist,” with your kids, or any time for that matter.

When you schedule an appointment make sure that he or she is a Pediatric Dentist. Pediatric Dentists have been specially trained to deal with infants, toddlers, adolescents, and teens and know exactly how to provide proper pediatric dental care. All Smiles Kids Dentist in Corona are the specialists when it comes to the care of your children’s teeth. Dr. Daniel Morgan is a member of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry while Dr. Lan Nguyen is known as a diplomat of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry.

Get your children on the right track and schedule an appointment with the best Corona Kids Dentist, All Smiles Dental. When they get older they will thank-you for it, and so will your grandkids.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Sweet Treats are Inevitable during the Holidays

The holidays are here, and that is when your kid’s teeth can get into trouble. All too often, it can be difficult to keep an eye on the candy bowl and your kids, especially if you and the family plan a trip to Grandma’s or Aunt Betty’s this Christmas. Sometimes it is easy to bend the rules, but let your kids eat too many sugary sweets, and starchy foods like cake and cookies, and come January you may be spending more time than you like at dentist. All Smiles Kids Dentist in Corona often sees patients at the beginning of the year because of over indulgence during the holidays.  

Now that Thanksgiving has come and gone, the holiday ads are everywhere, and unfortunately, families can be totally caught up with the excitement eating mom’s prize winning sugar cookies and the neighbors fudge. Most folks eat their fair share of treats during the holidays promising themselves that they will go on a diet come January, but what about you and your kids teeth?

Candy canes, ginger bread, peanut brittle and salt water taffy may have been good at the time, but if you do not make sure that your kids brush twice and floss once a day, and rinse after enjoying anything sweet, the new year isn’t the only thing you will be ringing in come January 1st.

Your Corona Kids Dentist will tell you that it doesn’t take long for tooth decay to start and if your kids already have issues, there could be new cavities to fill.

Because sugary drinks and sugary foods produce an abundance of oral bacteria it feeds on the sugary treats that you eat. Harmful acids then begin to form and start to wear down the enamel on your teeth. Once the enamel begins to weaken, you and your kids are much more susceptible to cavities and gingivitis. 

It is impossible to avoid all of those sweet treats during the holidays, but your Kids Dentist in Corona suggests buying one of those travel-sized toothbrushes and keeping it in your bag. Another thing that may help keep cavities at bay is to encourage your kids to eat sweets along with a balanced meal instead of enjoying them on their own. Eating lots of carbs will help their body’s produce more saliva which helps digest foods, especially those cookies, pies, cakes and candies. 

Eating sugary treats during the holidays is usually unavoidable, so why not schedule an appointment with All Smiles today for a checkup. That way you can keep an eye on any problems and get those fillings now.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Your Kids May Be Ready for Braces

Seeing a Kids Dentist in Corona can help you decide if using retainers, braces and other dental devices are needed to straighten your children’s teeth. Orthodontic appliances not only straighten teeth, but can also be used to correct jaw alignment. Your Pediatric Dentist in Corona can also stop snoring in its tracks.
All Smiles Kids Dentist in Corona can help with all sorts of problems including overlapping and overcrowded teeth. If left untreated, orthodontic problems could cause tooth decay or other problems in the future.

Determining whether your child needs to see an orthodontist is best left to the professional team from All Smiles Kids Dentist. There is no set age limit. Your Kids Dentist in Corona may recommend that you schedule an appointment with either Dr. Jonathon W. Rucker, or Dr. Samuel Waddoups.

Your seven year old may well benefit from an orthodontic screening as their teeth and jaws have usually developed enough to detect any serious issues. Treatment is not usually required at this age, but an orthodontic screening will give you and your kids an idea of what treatment options are best for your kids.

When you schedule an appointment with your kids Pediatric Dentist, the orthodontist will take X-rays to get a closer look at your child’s teeth and gums. These pictures will show your Kids Orthodontist in Corona how the teeth are positioned and what will happen to the teeth that have not erupted yet. Your children's orthodontist may decide to take an impression of your children’s teeth in order to make a mold that will help he or she decide the best course of action when it comes to orthodontics.

Braces are used to correct your kid’s teeth by applying pressure in order to straighten. Sometimes your Corona Pediatric Dentist may recommend a retainer for additional pressure to be worn along with the braces. Occasionally All Smiles Dentist in Corona may need to remove one or two of your children’s teeth in order to create space.

After your kids are fitted with braces, your Kids Orthodontist in Corona will schedule appointments a couple of times a month. As well as these appointments, it is important to take your kids in for regular checkups.

Braces are usually worn from between one and three years. Sometimes your kids may have to wear a retainer after the braces are removed in order to keep everything in place.

If you are concerned about the placement of your children’s teeth, schedule an appointment with All Smiles Pediatric Dentist in Corona who can help you determine the next course of action. 

Friday, November 1, 2013

Start Your Baby Off on the Right Foot

If you have recently had a baby and are noticing that your new addition is beginning to cut teeth, your Kids Dentist in Corona will tell you that it is important to start cleaning your baby’s teeth as soon as they become visible. Your kids teeth will start to come in when your baby is around four months old. You can begin by gently washing your baby’s teeth with a washcloth, eventually moving on to a small baby toothbrush.

Because baby teeth are actually placeholders for your children’s adult teeth, your Corona Kids Dentist recommends that you start scheduling kid’s dental appointments by their first birthday. This will give your children a chance to get used to the surroundings and their new Kids Dentist in Corona. Without emphasizing good dental habits, your kids could develop serious problems when their adult teeth begin to appear at around the age of six.

Watching what your kids eat is vital if you want to avoid unnecessary trips to your Kids Dentist in Corona. Tooth decay and cavities can develop right away if you do not keep your children away from sugary fruit juices, candy and other potentially harmful foods and drinks.

Kids who develop healthy dental habits at an early age are developing good dental habits that will set the stage for life. Kids who started brushing their teeth or have had them brushed as babies know how important dental hygiene is and are more likely to develop strong and healthy adult teeth.

When your child is a baby All Smiles Pediatric Dentist in Corona will tell you that it is not necessary to use toothpaste, however, once your kids get to be two or three, teach them how to use a small amount of toothpaste on a child-sized toothbrush.

Having a new baby in the house is exciting and you want to make sure that you do everything you can to bring up a healthy child, and that begins with dental hygiene. Start washing and brushing your kid’s teeth as soon as they appear and you will be well on your way to helping your children develop good dental habits. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Games to Help your Kids With Oral Hygiene

Did you know that simple experiments and crafts is a great way to teach your kids about dental care? According to your Kids Dentist in Corona, you can teach your children the importance of oral health and good hygiene using fun dental activities.

Improve your children’s teeth brushing movements with Tooth Brush Painting by cutting the shape of a tooth out of a large piece of white paper. Use an old toothbrush and have your son or daughter dip it into water-based poster paint and brush the tooth like you normally would. Show your kids how to make up and down movements, circular and back and forth over the tooth. This great little art project teaches your kids proper brushing and is fun at the same time. Your Pediatric Dentist in Corona wants to remind you to tell your children that old toothbrushes should never be put into their mouths and are only used for painting.

Make your kids want to brush their teeth with a tooth brushing game. Kids have 20 baby teeth totaling 32 permanents by the time they grow up. Keep a tooth-brushing chart stressing how important it is to brush every day. Grab a piece of red poster board and a black marker and draw a big outline of a person with a toothy grin. Hang it on the wall and for every day that your kids brush their teeth, let them glue a dried white bean on the chart to resemble a tooth. Use it like a calendar and add a new tooth for every day for that month. At the end of the month, your kids will have a bright shining smile grinning right back at them.

All Smiles Kids Dentist can never stress enough how damaging sugar is to teeth. If you want to show your kids how bad sugar is for their teeth in a fun way, drop a hard-boiled egg into a see through glass of grape juice or coca cola for 24 hours. Gently brush the discolored eggshell with a dab of toothpaste and a toothbrush. As your kids remove the stain, tell them what caused it and explain why it is important to brush after eating.

Another game you can play with your kids that is recommended by your Corona Kids Dentist is happy face snacks. Give everyone a paper plate and ask him or her to make happy faces with the healthy snacks that you have put on the table. Carrots, nuts, raisins, popcorn, oranges, and apple slices are a good start leading to happy snaps for the photo album. Use this time to talk about eating healthy foods instead of junk food.

If you would like to schedule an appointment for your infant, toddler, teenager or young adult, contact All Smiles today for the best Corona Pediatric Dentist check-up in the Inland Empire.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Newsletter for Dental Care of Corona

Thanks for checking out the latest newsletter for Dental Care of Corona.  Feel free to contact our team with any dental questions or concerns you may have.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Take Care of Your Kids Teeth with the Best Corona Kids Dentist

When it comes to the health and well-being of your children oral health should be at the top of the list. The habits that your kids develop when they are young, including comfortable visits with your Corona Kids Dentist are vital if you want your children to have healthy teeth and gums when they become adults.

Unfortunately, more than 50 percent of Americans have a fear of the dentist. Those fears could go back as far as childhood when a not so caring Pediatric Dentist in Corona said the wrong thing or caused unnecessary pain. Luckily, that will never happen when you schedule an appointment with All Smiles Kids Dentist in Corona.

Dr. Lan Nguyen and Dr. Daniel Morgan both have the skills and training to put your children at ease providing infants, toddlers, teens and kids with special needs a positive experience when it comes to dental check-ups.

All Smiles Kids Dentist in Chino also offers orthodontic care provided by Dr. Jonathon Rucker and Dr. Samuel D. Waddoups, and if you have been considering orthodontics for your kids, it is vital that you schedule a Chino Hills Kids orthodontic screening with All Smiles Kids Dentist in Corona before they reach seven years of age.

About the time that your children turn seven their teeth and jaws have usually had sufficient time to develop. When you schedule your sons and daughters with Dr.Rucker or Dr. Waddoups they will be able to determine whether your children are being affected by any bite problems.

Treatment is not always required when your kids turn seven, but the screening does give you the opportunity to understand how your kid’s teeth will develop and what treatments to expect. After your kids have their permanent teeth between the ages of 12 and 14, All Smiles Kids Pediatric Dentist in Corona may recommend braces for proper alignment.

If you have an infant, toddler, or teen and would like to schedule an appointment with the finest Kids Dentist in Corona, call for an appointment or visit the website. After all, your kid’s teeth are just as important as the rest of their bodies. 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Healthy Diet is Just as Important for Your Kids

Your favorite Corona Kids Dentist understands the importance of a good diet, but it is not just your body that suffers. A poor diet can also wreck havoc with your teeth and gums.

According to Readers Digest, there are foods that your kids eat and drinks that could cause serious problems for your teeth and gums. If your toddlers, kids, teens, and young adults continue eating starchy and sugary foods, you could find yourself scheduling more Kids Smiles dental appointments.

Your Kids Pediatric Dentist in Corona knows that raising an infant or toddler can be difficult, but especially so if you are feeding your kids sugary fruit juices. Pacifiers can also cause problems for your kids developing teeth.

Once your toddlers are able to eat solid foods it may be tempting to feed them special treats like cookies and candy, but doing so could cause serious problems. Sugary foods will turn to acids eventually eating away at the enamel on your kids teeth. With that being said, your Kids Dentist in Corona will also recommend that your children avoid starchy foods like white breads, chips, French fries, pretzels, and even pasta as they can get caught in between teeth and turn to sugar almost immediately.

You might think that those lollypops that your bank hands out to your kids will keep them quiet aren't always the best choice. If your kids must have something sweet, All Smiles Kids Dentist in Corona recommends that you give your kids sugar free mints. Hard candies have a dimineralizing effect because you end up sucking on them for a longer period of time.

Gummy bears, toffee, and chocolate can get stuck in-between your kid’s teeth. Your Pediatric Dentist in Corona explains that because the saliva in your mouth is not able to contact that part of your kids tooth in order to neutralize the acid there could be a loss of calcium. You may think you are doing your kids a favor by handing out the dried fruit, but bacteria will convert sugar to acid whether its fruit sugars or refined sugars.

Avoid sodas and never give your kids sports drinks or energy drinks, as they are loaded with sugar. Your Kids Corona Dentist recommends that you get your children to drink plenty of water instead, and if you do feed your kids juice, buy a juicer and make your own.

If you would like more information regarding your kid’s teeth and a healthy diet, schedule an appointment with All Smiles today. The best Kids Dentist in Corona is just a phone call away and can help you teach your kids good habits when it comes to healthy teeth and gums.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

We offer "Six Month Smiles" at Dental Care of Corona.  Please contact us with any questions about this truly incredible procedure.  Smile with the confidence you deserve.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Good Habits to Teach Your Kids

Taking your kids to the Dentist in Corona does not have to be a painful experience. Letting your children know that they Kids Dentist in Corona is a safe environment will enhance their experience keeping the dreaded fear of the dentist at bay.

Even if you have had a bad experience and still dread going to the dentist, it is imperative that you do not pass that fear of the Kids Dentist in Corona on to your children.

All Smiles Kids Dentist in Corona understands how anxious children can be and have been trained to deal with kids. After the first visit with Dr. Lan Nguyen, your children will relax and actually enjoy going for regular Corona Kids Dentist appointments.

If your child has never been to a Corona Kids Dentist, start developing good habits before the first appointment, which should be scheduled when the first tooth has appeared. Good habits include getting your son or daughter off the bottle as soon as possible. If your kids use a pacifier, be patient and try to wean your son or daughter off the pacifier with positive reinforcement.  Early tooth decay can occur when your kids drink sugary liquids like milk or fruit juices. Your Kids Dentist in Corona will tell you that childhood tooth decay does not happen overnight and usually occurs when your baby or toddler uses a bottle during naps or at night.

When your child’s teeth begin to erupt practice brushing together, whether it be a single tooth or two or three teeth. By developing good habits, your kids will be well on their way to developing good habits that will keep their teeth and gums healthy.

During the first visit to your Corona KidsDentist Dr. Nguyen will examine your kid’s teeth and take a look at their gums. Your Kids Dentist in Corona may even clean their teeth if it is necessary. Your Dentist for Kids in Corona will also be able to determine if your child has a risk of developing dental disease, as some kids are more susceptible than others. 

If you want your kids to get off to a healthy start, scheduling an appointment with a Kids Pedontist is an excellent beginning. Contact All Smiles Dental and make an appointment with the best Corona Kids Dentist today. 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Dental Care of Corona Newsletter

Here's our latest newsletter for Dental Care of Corona.  Thanks for reading and please contact our Corona Dental office with any questions you may have.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Kids Corona Dentist Offering a fun Environment for your Children

The best Kids Corona Dentist is your one stop shop when it comes to the health of your children’s teeth from infants to young adults. According to Colgate, kids should have their first dental appointment by their first birthday and that is where All Smiles Kids Dentist comes in.

All Smiles and the team from Kids Pediatric Dentist in Corona will provide you and your family with pedodontist and orthodontic care giving you the peace of mind you need when it comes to your children’s teeth and gums. Dr. Nugyen and Dr. Roghani have developed a rapport with each and every patient making check-ups fun.

When you schedule an appointment with your Kids Dentist in Corona your children will be well taken care of. Orthodontist Dr. Sholeh Roghani and Kids Corona pedodontist Dr. Lan Nugyen will do everything in their power to make sure that every patient is seen in a timely manner.

Your favorite Kids Pediatric Dentist understands how important your time is, but if something should happen where your kids have to wait a few minutes before their scheduled appointment All Smiles has the tools to keep your children entertained including interactive play stations to make them forget why they are there in the first place.

The best Corona Dentist for your kids will schedule certain types of appointments during the day. Of course, it is impossible to schedule every school-aged child after school, but the team from Kids Corona Dentist will do their best to rotate all of their after-school appointments among each and every patient. Kids under five are seen during the morning hours, as All Smiles understands that infants and toddlers are most alert in the morning. This allows Dr. Lan Nugyen and his team to communicate with your child giving a more positive and uplifting experience. 

Corona Pediatric Dentist is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week to handle every after-hours emergency. All Smiles is committed to the health and wellbeing of your children and will make sure that your family is well taken care of and will always have one of the dentists on hand to take care of your emergency.

If you are looking for a new Kids Dentist Corona that the whole town is raving about schedule an appointment with All Smiles. You want the best for your family and that starts with regularly scheduled check-ups with the friendly and patient team from All Smiles, the only Kids Pediatric Corona that you will ever need to see.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Talk To Your Kids Corona Dentist about Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom Teeth usually come in between the ages of 16 to 21 and are the last set of molars that your children will have.  If you have kids, whose wisdom teeth have began to appear, it could be time to make an appointment with your Kids Dentist Corona.

According to Web MD, molars can be useful if they are properly aligned, and healthy, but your Kids Dentist in Corona will tell you that most teens have trouble with wisdom teeth as they can grow in awkwardly. All too often, wisdom teeth will come in horizontally or be angled away or towards the second molars. Impacted molars are another problem that is often seen by your Corona Kids Dentist. When these problems occur, All Smiles Kids Dentist in Corona will recommend a further evaluation to assess the problem.

When your teen’s wisdom teeth become impacted, it means that the molars are encased by the jawbone and soft tissue making it impossible for the wisdom teeth to erupt. If partial eruption has occurred, bacteria will grow through the opening around the tooth itself. The bacteria will cause a serious infection resulting in swelling, pain, and jaw stiffness. Teeth that are partially erupted are prone to gum disease and tooth decay because it is hard to floss and brush properly.

During an appointment with your Kids Dentist Corona, ask Dr. Lan Nguyen about wisdom teeth. He will look at how the wisdom teeth are positioned and possibly take and X-ray in order to evaluate the situation. Dr. Nguyen may decide to watch how the wisdom teeth develop, or schedule an appointment for an oral surgeon. Your Kids Dentist in Corona and the oral surgeon may decide to remove the wisdom teeth before problems begin to occur, which would help avoid a more complicated and painful extraction in the future. Your Kids Dentist Corona will tell you that removing wisdom teeth is much easier when your children are younger as the roots of the wisdom teeth have not fully developed.
If you think your kids are experiencing problems with wisdom teeth, schedule an appointment with the best Kids Dentist Corona. All Smiles will be able to evaluate the situation and come up with a plan that is best suited for the health and wellbeing of your children.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

All Smiles Grand Opening Celebration in Corona, CA

We had a wonderful time at our recent grand opening celebration in Corona, CA.  Thank you to everyone for attending and making the event so enjoyable.  Our entire kids dental office truly appreciates your support!

Here are some pictures from the big day.  If you're looking for a pediatric dental office in Corona, feel free to contact us anytime.  We look forward to meeting you.