Friday, May 1, 2020

CEREC® is Simply Remarkable and Fast

CEREC® is a remarkable dental procedure that takes place in a single dental appointment. Made to match the color of your teeth, CEREC® is used for dental crowns as well as artificial teeth for dental implants. Some dentists in Corona even use CEREC® for porcelain veneers.

What is CEREC®?

CEREC® is a remarkable chair side procedure that is used by your Corona dentist. If you are having a CEREC® crown placed, it will be just as strong as metal to porcelain and porcelain dental crowns. CEREC® has been around for well over a decade and like everything has improved over time.

CEREC® replaces conventional dental materials and is made while you wait at the dentist’s office.

What is the CEREC® Process?

If your Corona dentist determines that you and CEREC® are a good fit, digital impressions and pictures are taken of the tooth or teeth that are to be crowned or modified. Because everything is done digitally, you won’t have to deal with goopy and messy impression trays.

When the pictures are sent to the computer your dentist in Corona will check to make sure the images are a good fit for your tooth or teeth. Once satisfied your dentist sends the images to the in office milling machine for manufacture. While you wait for your restorations, you can take a nap, watch some television, or catch up on social media.

When your restoration or restorations are ready, which takes about 45 minutes, CEREC® will be checked for fit and color before being placed permanently.


CEREC® is the best restoration as it eliminates multiple trips to the dentist. Conventional crowns and porcelain veneers take at least two dental appointments. Conventional crowns and veneers also require temporaries while your restorations are made. You won’t have to deal with any of this when you opt for CEREC®.

If you would like more information regarding CEREC®, call and talk to a dentist in Corona today.