Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Is Chronic Bad Breath Affecting Friendships?


Chronic bad breath affects billions of people all over the globe with poor oral hygiene being the number one cause of continuous halitosis. If you are dealing with bad breath, chances are you don’t even know it unless of course someone clued you in. Most of the time, casual acquaintances don’t have the courage to be upfront about your chronic bad breath.

What Causes Bad Breath?

As mentioned above, the number one cause of bad breath all the time is poor oral hygiene. People who don’t brush twice and floss once a day are running the risk of chronic halitosis. However, it’s not just oral hygiene that plays a part in bad breath.

 People who take over the counter and prescription medications along with people who smoke and drink are also at risk for chronic bad breath.

Medications cause dry mouth. Dry mouth causes chronic halitosis. If you are experiencing a lack of saliva from your salivary glands, talk to your doctor who may be able to recommend another medication to deal with your issue or issues.

Curing Chronic Bad Breath

Chronic halitosis rarely goes away on its own unless you stop consuming your normal diet of onions, garlic, and coffee. If your diet is adjusted, you can stop bad breath if food is the only cause. Keep in mind that garlic, onions, curry and other sauces stay in your system for 72 hours after enjoying eventually coming out from your lungs creating bad breath.

As mentioned by your dentist in Corona if you stop smoking and drinking you will notice a huge difference in your overall oral health, including your breath.

Infected adenoids and tonsils also cause bad breath as well as other health problems. If you suspect your tonsils and adenoids are to blame for your halitosis see your doctor for a checkup.

If you are suffering from bad breath, call and schedule an appointment with your Corona dentist today.

Monday, November 2, 2020

CEREC® Same Day Dentistry Saves Time and Money


Dental restorations don’t have to take two or three dental appointments, and they won’t when you schedule an appointment with a cosmetic dentist in Corona.

Licensed and preferred CEREC® same day restoration providers, your Corona dental team have the experience and expertise to provide you with beautiful, natural looking dental crowns, inlays, onlays and dental fillings.

What are CEREC® Restorations?

CEREC®, short for Chairside Economical Restorations of Esthetic Ceramic, is a state of the art tooth restoration system that is metal free and completed in a single dental visit.

CEREC® restores teeth back to natural beauty without compromising the entire tooth. Cosmetic dentists in Southern California use CEREC® restorations to repair teeth and give you your smile back.

Why is CEREC® so Special?

Chairside dentistry eliminates additional dental visits, uncomfortable and messy impressions, and temporary restorations. CEREC® restorations also require less removal of the tooth keeping the natural structure intact. Made from dental grade ceramic and matched to the rest of your smile, the entire process is done onsite making it less time consuming.

What are CEREC® Restorations Used For?

Your cosmetic dentist in Corona may use CEREC® for dental fillings, crowns or small fillings. Some dentists are even using CEREC® for artificial teeth and dental implants.

The CEREC® Restorations Process

While most patients are suitable for CEREC® restorations, healthy teeth, and gums are a requirement. If you are suffering from gum disease or have extensive tooth decay, your cosmetic dentist will want to put an end to those issues first, unless of course CEREC® is being used for dental fillings or crowns.


If you would like to learn more about CEREC® restorations, call and talk to a team member from your cosmetic dentist in Corona today.






Thursday, October 1, 2020

Keep Your Teeth for Life with a Corona Dentist


Your teeth and gums are with you for life. Well, as long as you take good care of them. According to your dentist in Corona, oral hygiene habits go a long way when it comes to healthy teeth and gums. 

When you practice good oral habits, you are protecting your mouth and your body. If you follow the Corona Dental Blog, you will remember that there is a link between oral and overall health. 

Below are a few ways to increase your chances of keeping your teeth for life. 

Brush Every Day Twice a Day 

Brushing your teeth twice a day keeps bad bacteria from overtaking the good stuff. Your mouth is filled with bacteria, most of it healthy. However, if you don’t brush twice a day the bad stuff will eventually overrun your mouth causing tooth decay and gum disease. 

Brush your teeth with a soft bristled brush and don’t forget to swap out your toothbrush for a new one every three months or more often if the bristles are frayed. 

Flossing Keeps You Healthy 

Flossing once a day, helps keep your teeth clean and your gums free from debris. When you floss your teeth, you are reaching areas that your brush just can’t get to. Floss around each tooth and make sure to get in-between. When you floss, you are preventing bacteria and debris from invading under your gum line.

 Use and Antibacterial Mouth Wash 

Antibacterial mouthwashes kill germs. When used in conjunction with brushing and flossing you tripling your protection against bacteria that erodes the enamel on your teeth. Use a mouth rinse with fluoride to protect from cavities as well. 

Eat a Healthy Diet 

What you consume plays a huge roll in overall and oral health. Your Corona dentist recommends that you eat a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables. Enjoy lots of calcium rich foods for strong teeth and avoid sugar, acidic drinks, such as energy drinks and soda, and keep starchy foods to a minimum. 

Schedule Regular Dental Appointments 

Regular dental appointments, including comprehensive dental checkups with cancer screenings, are the best way to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Your Corona dentist also has a bird’s eye view as to what is going on with the rest of your body. That cold sore that won’t go away could be an early sign of oral cancer. 

If you would like to learn more about healthy teeth and gums, or would like to schedule a dental checkup in Corona, call and talk to a team member today.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Smiling is Good for You and Your Health

Smiling is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your overall health. According to your dentist in Corona, putting a smile on your face can also do wonders for your immune system. Smiling also helps you become more open and friendly as well. 

Smiling and Your Immune System 

Because your brain releases chemicals when you smile it also boost your immune system. People who are happy and smile all the time are less likely to get sick and will spend more time being happy than sad. 

Smile and Make it Contagious 

When you smile at someone, they will automatically smile back. Smiling is infectious and contagious. Smiling at another person when they are down will lift their mood and make them feel better. If someone is constantly grumpy, a smile or two is beneficial. 

Smiling is Good for Your Professional Life 

Smiling while you are on the job will get you noticed, especially if you are up for a promotion. When you smile, even in the face of diversity, you will come out the winner in the end. Smiling through tough situations shows people in high places that you mean business. 

Smiling Helps Win People Over 

If you have been having a difficult time winning over the new boss, try smiling more often. Even if you want to scream at your new supervisor you’ll find that smiling will make the situation much easier, and who knows, smiling often just might help the two of you become better colleagues and maybe even friends. 

Even if you weren’t born with a beautiful smile, you can change all of that with cosmetic dentistry. Your dentist in Corona has the tools and the experience to give you a beautiful and healthy smile that you can be proud to show off. 

Call and schedule an obligation cosmetic dentistry consultation with your cosmetic dentist in Corona today.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

You are in Good Hands with Your Corona Dentist

If you have been avoiding much needed dental work because of the pandemic, schedule an appointment with your dentist in Corona. Your dental team in Corona is working hard to make sure that you stay safe and healthy when you are in the dental practice. You will have no worries when you make an appointment with a Corona dentist 

Dental Restorations are Always Essential 

If you were one of the hundreds or thousands of people who did not get to finish dental work because of COVID-19, it is time to call your Corona dentist. People who were in the middle of dental implant placement should see their team immediately, especially if the implants are ready to be placed. 

The same can be said for people who were in the middle of a crown placement. Getting back to the dentist is essential for people who were unable to continue with their treatment plan. 

Dental Checkups in Corona 

People who were scheduled for an annual checkup in March, April, or May should call their Corona dentist right away. If you had a cavity or gum disease before your dental checkup, it is probably worse by now. 

Gum disease can advance to periodontal disease while a simple cavity can become so invasive that it requires root canal therapy. Keeping your teeth healthy is good for oral and overall health. 

Safety First with your Corona Dentist 

If you follow your Corona Dentist Blog, you will know that the team has strict protocols in place so that you can feel safe and comfortable during your dental appointment. You are in good hands when you complete your dental treatments with the most popular dentist in Corona. 

Regular dental appointments to complete previous restorations and other treatments are essential. Call and schedule your appointment with your dentist in Corona today.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Cosmetic Dental Bonding for a New Smile

Cosmetic dental bonding is a remarkable cosmetic dental procedure that, in most cases, is completed in a single dental appointment. Often used with enamel shaping, cosmetic dental bonding is more conservative than veneers or crowns and is completely reversible.

Corona Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are thin sheets of porcelain that are placed on the fronts of your teeth. Your dental practice in Corona is a preferred porcelain veneers provider and explains that a portion of enamel must be removed to make for a tight fit.

In most cases, patients require temporary veneers while the permanents are manufactured. This means the procedure is permanent.

Cosmetic Dental Crowns in Corona

Just like veneers, enamel and a portion of the tooth is removed making cosmetic dental crowns permanent as well. Crowns require more enamel removal than porcelain veneers do, and require temporary restorations.

Corona Cosmetic Dental Bonding 

Unlike porcelain veneers and cosmetic dental crowns, cosmetic dental bonding is not a permanent procedure and can be removed if needed. Bonding is also excellent if you are not sure you want to commit to veneers or crowns.

With cosmetic dental bonding, you can walk in the Corona dental office with chipped or stained teeth and walk out with a beautiful new smile.

The Cosmetic Dental Bonding Process

If you and your cosmetic dentist in Corona determine you are a good fit for cosmetic dental bonding, a colour is chosen from the shade guide that best matches the rest of your smile.

After the colour is decided upon, your Corona cosmetic dentist will roughen up the tooth to make the bond stronger. After etching, your cosmetic dentist will apply the dental resin, molding and sculpting into place.

Once satisfied the bond is hardened with a light or laser before being polished to perfection.

If you are considering cosmetic dentistry, but aren’t quite sure about porcelain veneers or cosmetic dental crowns, call and schedule a no obligation cosmetic dentistry consultation with your dentist in Corona today.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Time for a Comprehensive Dental Checkup in Corona

Now that restrictions are starting to lift it’s time to schedule an appointment with your Corona dentist. Chances are you missed your last dental checkup because of circumstances beyond your control, or anyone’s for that matter. With that being said, it’s time to call your dentist in Corona for a comprehensive dental checkup.

What is a Comprehensive Dental Checkup?

A comprehensive dental checkup takes a normal dental appointment one-step further with a cancer screening. A cancer screening is conducted during your comprehensive dental appointment to make sure there is nothing suspicious going on with your teeth and gums or your mouth.

Research shows that systemic illness and other types of disease will show up first in your mouth. That means that your mouth really is a window to the rest of your body.

Your Corona dentist will check your neck, throat, tongue, cheeks, and the rest of your oral cavity looking for anything that doesn’t seem right. If patches, lesions, sores or rough spots are discovered a biopsy may be recommended for further investigation.

Why Dental Checkups are Important

Twice yearly dental examinations and professional cleanings keep tooth decay and gum disease at bay. A small cavity that goes unchecked will eventually get bigger. That means a little filling could turn into root canal therapy.

The same can be said for gum disease. If gingivitis is allowed to continue, it will eventually become periodontal disease. Periodontis can’t be cured, but is controllable while gingivitis can be completely cured.

Comprehensive Dental Checkups for Peace of Mind

Scheduling a comprehensive dental checkup gives you peace of mind for your over and overall health. Statistics show that oral cancers caught in the early stages have a higher cure rate.

If you haven’t been to your Corona dentist lately, call and schedule an appointment today. Your mouth and the rest of your body really do depend on it. Call now.

Friday, May 1, 2020

CEREC® is Simply Remarkable and Fast

CEREC® is a remarkable dental procedure that takes place in a single dental appointment. Made to match the color of your teeth, CEREC® is used for dental crowns as well as artificial teeth for dental implants. Some dentists in Corona even use CEREC® for porcelain veneers.

What is CEREC®?

CEREC® is a remarkable chair side procedure that is used by your Corona dentist. If you are having a CEREC® crown placed, it will be just as strong as metal to porcelain and porcelain dental crowns. CEREC® has been around for well over a decade and like everything has improved over time.

CEREC® replaces conventional dental materials and is made while you wait at the dentist’s office.

What is the CEREC® Process?

If your Corona dentist determines that you and CEREC® are a good fit, digital impressions and pictures are taken of the tooth or teeth that are to be crowned or modified. Because everything is done digitally, you won’t have to deal with goopy and messy impression trays.

When the pictures are sent to the computer your dentist in Corona will check to make sure the images are a good fit for your tooth or teeth. Once satisfied your dentist sends the images to the in office milling machine for manufacture. While you wait for your restorations, you can take a nap, watch some television, or catch up on social media.

When your restoration or restorations are ready, which takes about 45 minutes, CEREC® will be checked for fit and color before being placed permanently.


CEREC® is the best restoration as it eliminates multiple trips to the dentist. Conventional crowns and porcelain veneers take at least two dental appointments. Conventional crowns and veneers also require temporaries while your restorations are made. You won’t have to deal with any of this when you opt for CEREC®.

If you would like more information regarding CEREC®, call and talk to a dentist in Corona today.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Overall and Oral Health are Connected

Taking care of your teeth should be at the top of the list when it comes to your overall health. According to your Corona dentist, oral health could affect your teeth and gums.

 The Link Between Overall and Oral Health

Your dentist in Corona explains that gum disease is the connection. Gum disease is an inflammation of the mouth caused by bacteria. If bacteria are allowed to float into your blood stream, you could be in for some serious problems including heart failure and stroke.

 Good Oral Hygiene is the Key

During a comprehensive dental examination in Corona, your dentist will examine your entire mouth including your tissues, throat, neck, and tongue checking for anything out of the ordinary. If any lumps, bumps or patches are discovered a biopsy may be recommended for further examination.

Because problems are detected in your mouth, your dentist could be the first to discover anything. In fact, early detection leads to a higher survival rate.

 Good Oral Hygiene Tips

Your dentist in Corona explains that good oral hygiene means brushing twice and flossing once each day. You should also use a good antibacterial mouthwash. Good oral hygiene also includes following a healthy diet that is full of fruits and vegetables. Don’t forget to include calcium as this helps build strong bones and teeth. Probably the most important oral hygiene tip is regular visits with your Corona dentist.

Your dentist can detect any problems and be able to help you deal with tooth decay and gum disease preventing problems that are more serious in the future. Cavities and gingivitis won’t go away on their own and could result in root canal therapy or root scaling and planing.

If you would like to learn more about the oral and overall health connection, call and schedule an appointment with your dentist in Corona today.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Mail Order Braces Aren’t What They Seem

While those mail order clear plastic aligners that are all over the internet may seem like a great idea, you’ll want to think again, especially if you don’t want to end up with permanent damage.

According to your Corona Invisalign® dentist, mail order braces can actually damage your smile instead of making it beautiful.

What are Mail Order Braces?

Like Invisalign®, mail order braces are a series of clear plastic aligners that slowly move teeth into position. Unlike Invisalign® they don’t always, if ever, get it right.

While mail order braces require a mold or impression of your teeth there are no x-rays or digital pictures taken. Unfortunately, this could cause major problems for your teeth and gums.

With Invisalign® your progress is monitored by your Invisalign® dentist in Corona. You have no supervision with mail order braces.

What is Invisalign®?

Invisalign® is a series of 11 to 31 clear plastic aligners that are prescribed by your preferred Invisalign® provider.

X-rays and digital photos along with a mold and impression are also taken to make sure that you have the right Invisalign® blueprint. You will wear your Invisalign® trays for 22 hours each day, removing when you eat and drink.

With Invisalign® you will see your dentist every 6 weeks to make sure your plan is going as per the schedule. You will swap out your aligners every 7 to 14 days depending on your dentist’s instructions.

Mail Order Braces or Invisalign®?

Mail order braces are just like anything you order online except you need an expert to take you through the process. With mail order braces, you will rarely if ever have access to a dentist.

Invisalign® isn’t for everyone and if you aren’t a fit, your Corona Invisalign® dentist will set you straight.

Sadly, anyone can order braces online. If you follow this blog, you will know that clear braces won’t work for teeth that are severely rotated or tipped or for people with bad over and under bites.

If you would like more information regarding the safe way to straighten teeth, call and schedule an appointment with your Corona Invisalign® dentist today.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Life Changing Cosmetic Dental Procedures


Offered by your Corona dentist, CEREC® is just one of the dental technologies offered by the best dentist in Corona. CEREC® is a chairside procedure that uses CAD/CAM dentistry for brilliant results. In fact, you can walk into your Corona dental office with a broken tooth and walk out with a beautifully restored dental crown. Your workmates won’t believe it, and neither will you. However, it isn’t just CEREC® that your cosmetic dentist in Corona offers.


If you have been considering clear braces, call and schedule a no obligation Invisalign® consultation with your dentist in Corona. All you need is one dental appointment to determine if you are a good candidate for Invisalign®. Depending on your particular Invisalign plan, you may only have to wear your clear plastic aligners for 6 months. However, the average is 12 to 18 months. Invisalign is the comfortable way to a straighter smile.

Dental Implants

The best replacement for missing teeth, dental implants are surgically implanted in or on your jawbone. During the surgery, titanium posts or screws are placed into the sockets left by the missing teeth. The implant healing process could take three months or longer if additional surgeries are required. After healing, your Corona dentist will place an artificial tooth on top of each implant. Dental implants are just as strong as natural teeth as long as you practice good oral hygiene.

Sedation Dentistry

If seeing the dentist makes your skin crawl, call and talk to a team member from your Corona dental office. Your team of Corona dentists can help alleviate your dental fear or dental phobia giving you a reason to smile again. Remember, the longer you leave tooth decay and gum disease, the worse it will get.

If you would like more information, or would like to schedule a dental appointment in Corona, call today.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Invisalign® When Conventional Braces Won’t Do

While adults do wear conventional wires and brackets, not all of them are happy about it. In some cases, old school braces need to be worn for up to two years can be uncomfortable and downright painful. Thankfully, there are alternatives to conventional braces.

Invisalign® for a Clear Straight Smile

Your dentist in Corona is a licensed and preferred Invisalign® provider who can do wonders for your crooked, tilted, or tipped smile. If you have a small gap in between your front teeth, Invisalign® can take care of that as well.

What is Invisalign®?

Invisalign® is a system that uses 11 to 31 sets of clear plastic aligners. These aligners, which look similar to tooth whitening trays, are worn for 22 hours a day and removed when you brush, floss, and eat.

Invisalign® works best for people with mild to moderate problems. If you have a severe under or overbite conventional braces may be a better fit. On average, Invisalign® takes about 12 to 18 months to complete.

Invisalign® Takes Dedication

With conventional braces, the appliances do all the work. While the same can be said for Invisalign®, you do need to be dedicated. If you are someone who couldn’t be bothered brushing or flossing, you may not be dedicated to clear plastic braces.

If you consider yourself lazy when it comes to oral hygiene, Invisalign® isn’t the answer, as you must remove, and replace. If you neglect to wear your clear braces for the allotted time, it will affect the outcome and could even take longer to straighten your teeth.

Invisalign® for Keeps

Invisalign® really does work and can do amazing things for your smile. Call and schedule an appointment with your dentist in Corona who can determine if clear braces are a good fit for you.

Call and schedule a no obligation Invisalign® appointment with your cosmetic dentist in Corona today.