Wednesday, November 1, 2017

What You May Not Know about Your Toothbrush

If you are like most people, you brush your teeth twice a day with a manual or electric toothbrush that you purchased from your grocery store or pharmacy. However, today’s toothbrush wasn’t even invented until the later part of the 15th century.

Below are a few more fun facts that you may not know about the tool that you use to brush your teeth.

That first attempt at a, “Toothbrush,” was made from wild boar hair that the Chinese attached to a bamboo stick. Variations of this original brush were used right up to the 20th century.

When nylon was invented, the modern toothbrush became a mainstay for families all over the globe back in 1938.

Apparently, oral hygiene has been important to all cultures with archeologists uncovering toothbrushes from all over the world. The toothbrushes were made from feathers, animal bones, and porcupine quills.

The first variation of that crude Chinese toothbrush made back in the 15th century resurfaced after an Englishman invented his version while he was in prison back in 1780. Once he was released, he started mass-producing what would become the Wisdom Toothbrush. Wisdom is still around today, but has certainly changed from the original horsehair and bone toothbrush.

The first chew sticks where unearthed by archaeologists in Babylonia. These chewing sticks were removed from an Egyptian tomb believed to be from 3000 BC. Chewing sticks were also removed from a Chinese Tomb that archaeologists believe to be dated in 1600 BC.

The first patent was granted to HN Wadsworth in 1857, but the mass production of the bore and bone toothbrush didn’t start until 1885. Unfortunately, the animal bristles held on to the bacteria, took too long to dry, and would often fall out.

Believe it or not, brushing twice a day didn’t really take off in America until after WWII when soldiers were ordered to brush every day.

Brushing and flossing are part of daily life, as should regular dental checkups. Call or click and make your dental appointment today.