Monday, June 15, 2015

Can Gum Disease affect Cognitive Function?

Bleeding gums are a sign of gum disease. Gingivitis, and the more severe periodontal disease should be taken care of immediately, otherwise you may eventually lose your teeth. However, what is even more shocking is that gum disease and tooth loss could also cause a decline in thinking skills, especially among people over the age of 50.  

Researchers are investigating whether people who have poor dental health also suffer from poor cognitive functions, which technically mean people who have gum disease also have problems with managing numbers, words, and memory.

Recent research indicates that that every person, whether male or female, who had a tooth removed or had lost a tooth, saw a loss in cognitive function. In fact, people who had lost all of their teeth had quite poor cognition compared with those who had more. The study also found poor cognitive behaviors in people who suffered from severe gum disease, or periodontitis.

Conducted in 1996 and lasting until 1998, the study consisted of data that was gathered from people who took part in memory and thinking skills tests. The 6,000 participants were both men and women between the ages of 45 and 64. Thirteen percent of those who took part in the study had lost their natural teeth with about a fifth of the participants having less than 20 teeth remaining. About 12 percent of the participants had deep gum pockets and serious bleeding gum issues.

What the researchers discovered was that the scores on thinking and memory tests, including number skills, word fluency and word recall, was lower in people who didn’t have teeth. People who had better oral health and more teeth had better test scores than those with severe gum disease as well.

Some researchers believe that poor dental health may reflect poor eating habits. People with tooth and gum problems may not be able to eat certain, “Brain foods,” which could contribute to poor cognitive functions. Researchers agree that it could be a contributing factor, but so could inflammation from gum disease. Inflammation, regardless of where it is located in the system can affect cognition.

So what’s the bottom line? Good oral health habits just may help you think better and remember where you put your keys.

If you would like more information regarding oral hygiene, schedule an appointment with your dentist today. 

Monday, June 1, 2015

The Dangers of Missing Teeth

Your dentist will tell you that missing teeth will affect more than your self confidence and although that gap in the middle of your smile may not do much for your self-esteem, it isn’t doing much for your oral health either.

Your teeth are meant to be a team, and if one is lost because of gum disease, tooth decay or an accident, you need to bring in a replacement.

Although some people don’t take losing a tooth too seriously, the long-term consequence can be detrimental. If you have missing teeth the rest of your teeth are in danger as well.

Missing teeth not only show when you smile, but will also age you. Your face will appear gaunt because there is no cheek support. Your dentist explains that other problems that can occur because of tooth loss include periodontal problems, malocclusion, hypereruption, lost fillings, tooth fractures, speech defects, chewing problems and TMJ.

According to Web MD, your teeth will move freely until they come into contact with something. In other words, if you lose a tooth, your surrounding teeth may drift into the hole that was left by the missing tooth. The movement could be tipping or rotating and will eventually affect your bite. This is known as malocclusion. If this occurs, it could be putting a strain on your TMJ or jaw joints. Not only will this cause pain, but severe TMJ disorders can actually cause your jaw to lock into place.

Tooth loss hinders your chewing ability on the side where you lost the tooth because there is less chewing surface. When this occurs, you will naturally chew on the other side. This will result in additional force that could cause lost fillings and broken teeth.

If you have a tooth that normally touches the missing tooth when you put your teeth together, hypereruption can occur causing your tooth to protrude. So much so that your roots could begin to show. This will cause sensitive teeth, root decay and gum problems.

Although it is nearly impossible to prevent all types of tooth loss, good oral hygiene that includes brushing twice and flossing once each day can certainly help you keep your teeth. If you play sports, wear a mouthguard and don’t forget to schedule regular checkups with your dentist.

For more information regarding the dangers of missing teeth, schedule an appointment with your dentist today.