Sunday, February 15, 2015

Gum Disease Can Be Reversed with Good Oral Hygiene

If your gums bleed when you brush or floss, you need to schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible.

According to Web MD, gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss and affects billions of people all over the United States and around the world.

Gingivitis is the least severe form of gum disease. Gingivitis will cause your gums to bleed, swell, and become red. During this stage, you will have little if any discomfort. Gingivitis is usually caused by poor oral hygiene and is reversible with a deep cleaning, such as Root Planing and Scaling along with good oral hygiene.

Some contributing factors when it comes to gingivitis include smoking, diabetes, genetic predisposition, aging, systemic diseases, poor nutrition and stress. Hormonal fluctuations, certain medications, puberty, HIV infection, substance abuse, and pregnancy can also contribute to Gingivitis.

If left untreated, Gingivitis can advance to the more serious periodontal disease. Also known as periodontitis, it is caused by plaque spreading below your gum line. The toxins that are produced by bacteria will irritate your gums causing the bone and tissues that support your teeth to break down. When the gums become separated from your teeth, pockets will begin to form allowing for infection. According to your dentist, once the disease begins to progress those spaces, or pockets, will get deeper eventually destroying bone and gum tissue.

Your dentist explains that there are several types of periodontal disease with the most common being Aggressive Periodontal Disease, Chronic Periodontitis, Periodontitis manifested by systemic disease and Necrotizing Periodontitis caused by an infection of the periodontal ligament, the alveolar bone and gingival tissues.

Aggressive Periodontal Disease occurs when you are clinically healthy, but have not been practicing good oral hygiene habits including a healthy diet and regular checkups with your dentist.

Chronic Periodontitis is characterized by gap recession of the gingival tissue. Although it can happen at any age, Chronic Periodontitis is most prevalent in adults.

Periodontitis manifested by systemic disease usually starts at an early age. Systemic conditions such as diabetes, respiratory disease, and heart disease have all been associated with Periodontitis manifested by systemic disease.

Lesions that appear because of Necrotizing Periodontitis are usually observed in people who suffer from malnutrition, have an HIV infection or an immunosuppressant.

If you have Gingivitis or Periodontal Disease symptoms, schedule an appointment with your dentist as quickly as possible. Remember, it’s never too late. Gum disease can be reversed as long as you seek professional help.