Saturday, December 1, 2018

Is Your Smile Ready for the New Year?

With only a few weeks until the New Year, is your smile prepared? If a trip to the cosmetic dentist is in order, you can still have new pearly whites in time to ring in 2019.

CEREC dental restorations are the quick and easy way to a new grin before you hit those holiday parties. With your dentist in Corona and CEREC restorations, you’ll walk in with a not so pretty smile and walk out with a gorgeous toothy grin that will turn heads.

What CEREC Can Do For You

CEREC crowns are fitted in a single dental appointment. In a little over an hour, you will have new cosmetic dental crowns that are much stronger than acrylic crowns and much more attractive than metal crowns. Although metal mixed with porcelain crowns look good, there may be a visible metal line over time.

CEREC is perfect for badly damaged teeth, silver amalgam fillings, chips, and cracks. Your Corona dentist may also recommend CEREC dental crowns to lengthen or shorten teeth.

What is the CEREC Process?

If your dentist determines that you are a good fit for CEREC, a digital impression is taken using CAD/CAM technology. Once the images are ready for the computer screen the image will be manipulated to make a crown that best fits your tooth or teeth. Once satisfied, the crown is sent to the milling machine for manufacture. During this time, you are free to relax, watch TV, or check your email.  

When your new dental crown is ready, it will be temporarily placed checking for fit, comfort, and color. Once everything is in place it will be bonded using a special bonding material.

If you would like more information regarding CEREC dental crowns, call or click and schedule an appointment with your dentist in Corona. It really will make your holidays bright. Call for a no obligation consultation today.