It’s National Face
Protection month, and if you or your family is participating in any type of
sport this spring, it’s time to schedule an appointment with your dentist who
can fit you with a custom-made mouth protector.
A mouthguard is
essential when it comes to Little League baseball, basketball, soccer and other
group sports, but what some people don’t realize is that a sports mouth
protector should also be included in your sports bag if you like to bike, surf,
play racquetball, or tennis. Swimmers, kids and adults who like to go inline
skating and even people who water ski are ordering custom made mouthguards from
their dentist to keep their teeth and gums protected.
According to the ADA,
mouthguards should be an essential part of the uniform and are just as
important as helmets, knee and elbow pads. According to the US Center for
Disease Control and Prevention, over half of the 7 million recreation and
sports related injuries that happen every year involve kids who are just five
years old.
The National Youth
Sports Safety foundation recently reported that both professional and amateur
athletes who do not wear mouth protectors are an astounding sixty times more
likely to cause injury to their teeth, gums or face. With that being said, a
survey back in 2009 said that over sixty-seven percent of parents claimed that
their children were not wearing sports mouthguards while playing organized
sports. An additional 84 percent of kids don’t wear mouth protectors because it
was not required even though shoulder pads and helmets are.
There are three types
of mouthguards available. Stock, Boil and Bite and Custom Made.
Stock mouthguards are
the least expensive, but are not as effective as the other two as they can be
uncomfortable and ill fitting making kids and adults less likely to use them.
Stock mouthguards can also make it difficult to breathe and talk.
Boil and Bite
mouthguards are available from your local sporting goods store or pharmacy and
are a step up from stock mouth protectors as you place them in warm water
before putting in your mouth. Once in your mouth they actually mold to your
mouthguards are available from your dentist and are your best bet when it comes
to sports mouth protectors as your dentist will make a mold before sending it
off to a dental lab. Custom made mouthguards will fit your teeth perfectly make
it less likely that you will leave it at home.